News — Km0

Cristiano Marti
Orto dalla Luna: “Rispettare la natura e amare il territorio. Ecco il segreto della vera genuinità” - Apulian Store

Orto dalla Luna: “Respect nature and love the land. Here is the secret of true authenticity”

For years now we have been hearing about “ restanza ”, a word introduced by the Calabrian anthropologist Vito Teti to underline the choice of those who, despite the difficulties, decide to remain in their homeland. A land that needs minds, initiatives, ideas. And perhaps for this very reason, more than “restanza”, it would be a good idea to promote the concept of “ tornanza ”, embodied by those who left to gain experiences, touch differences with their own hands, feed on stimuli, and then return to their land of origin and enrich it with initiatives of undeniable added value....

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Olio extravergine d’oliva: passione di gusto e sostenibilità - Apulian Store

Extra virgin olive oil: passion for taste and sustainability

A simple condiment or an important factor for the diet? An element to be used in cooking or a side dish to be associated with foods? For us at Apulianstore, extra virgin olive oil is first and foremost a culinary treasure , a symbol of Mediterranean excellence that has always brought taste and well-being to the table. Retracing its history means taking one's gaze back to the ancient Apulian countryside, to the fascinating oil mills, custodians of a tradition that has never disappeared, enhanced today by innovations that allow the product to combine the uniqueness of its flavour with the...

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