News — Agricoltura Pugliese

Cristiano Marti
Orto dalla Luna: “Rispettare la natura e amare il territorio. Ecco il segreto della vera genuinità” - Apulian Store

Orto dalla Luna: “Respect nature and love the land. Here is the secret of true authenticity”

For years now we have been hearing about “ restanza ”, a word introduced by the Calabrian anthropologist Vito Teti to underline the choice of those who, despite the difficulties, decide to remain in their homeland. A land that needs minds, initiatives, ideas. And perhaps for this very reason, more than “restanza”, it would be a good idea to promote the concept of “ tornanza ”, embodied by those who left to gain experiences, touch differences with their own hands, feed on stimuli, and then return to their land of origin and enrich it with initiatives of undeniable added value....

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Azienda Agricola Perniola: dal frantoio sociale ad Apulian Store

Azienda Agricola Perniola: from the social oil mill to Apulian Store, the story of a century of love for the land.

Talking about organic farming today may seem obvious, and in some cases it even leads to discussions that question the practices and genuineness of the products. Yet, as with any growing practice, chasing data, analysis and statistics, most of the time we forget the principles that inspire certain choices. It happens that we are surprised by the reality for which organic is not a choice determined by funding, market or regulations . Rather, it has been a practice that started naturally from the beginning, understood as the only possible way to remain in dialogue with the land , its resources...

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